Categories for General

Her Stories: Shining a Spotlight on the Women of Aivres

Every year on March 8 we recognize the political, social, and cultural achievements of women, as well as renew our pledge to champion gender equality and women’s rights. This Women’s Day, we invited a few of the remarkable women at Aivres to share their stories, career paths, and perspectives about working in the tech industry. […]

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4 Data Center Trends in 2022 That Enterprises Need to Know

The past 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed businesses to accelerate their innovation and adoption of new technologies. As we step into 2022 and toward the 2-year anniversary of this global pandemic, it’s important to take a look at how our industry is growing and evolving. Here are some key trends that we […]

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This Holiday Season, Aivres Gives Back for STEM

As another year in the pandemic comes to an end, Aivres recognizes that much of the company’s recent growth is thanks to the world’s increasing reliance on technology to stay connected. As a technology innovator, Aivres takes its responsibility as a global corporate citizen seriously and strives to be a positive point of influence for […]

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9 Insights from the 2020 Global Computing Index

Let’s take a look at the IDC white paper on the 2020 Global Computing Index, the world’s first index report on computing. The report studies the relationship between computing power and economic development, and serves as a reference for the outlook of the global digital economy. Here are 9 insights from the report: 1) Computing […]

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Lean, mean, and green: a look inside the energy-efficient M6 4-socket server

Just how massive is the energy consumption of data centers? According to statistics, the total annual power consumption of global data centers is about to reach 300 billion kilowatt-hours, which is equivalent to the annual power generation of 30 nuclear power plants. With the continuous development of computing technology and growing reliance on cloud services, […]

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A look back on a year like no other

A year since the Covid-19 pandemic struck, the world has been indelibly changed. 2020 offers solemn lessons but also renewed fervor and optimism as we take our first steps in 2021. It is important to reflect on and take stock of the ways we endured the year’s various hurdles and challenges, as a company and […]

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Meeting customization demands of the growing cloud data center with JDM

The explosive growth of cloud computing applications like e-commerce, big data, mobile internet, IoT and other transformative information technologies call for large-scale customization in the cloud data center. Traditional whitebox OEM and client-branded ODM production models are no longer able to support the increasingly fast and complex customization needs of enterprises. Aivres’ unique JDM (Joint […]

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