Open19 Open Hardware Platforms

Adopt open data center designs with Aivres

The Open19 open server standard aims to provide a simplified open design standard for the construction of storage, network and server, which is applicable to data centers of any scale.

Aivres & Open19

As a member of the Sustainable and Scalable Infrastructure Alliance (SSIA), Aivres leverages its experience in open hardware standards to contribute innovative designs to the Open19 project. Aivres’ Open19 platforms expand the spectrum of open hardware choices beyond the conventional 19-inch data center form factor, catering to a wider audience of users and operators and helping accelerate the adoption of open designs with minimal disruption to existing infrastructure.

Features and Benefits

  • Increases server and storage of the “mainstream 19-inch data center rack” and the density of equipment related to network
  • Reduces cost of rack equipment
  • Optimizes rack integration and deployment
  • Optimizes power utilization
  • Provides low cost open infrastructure solution for data centers in different environments

Open19 Hardware Standard

  • Standard 19-inch 4-zone rack
  • “Brick” cage
  • Support Brick (B), Double Brick (DB), Double High Brick (DHB)
  • Power rack: 12V distribution, OTS power modules
  • Optional Battery Backup Unit (BBU)
  • Optional switch for installation (ToR)
  • Detachable power cable / PCB: 200-250 watts per brick
  • Detachable data cable: up to 100G per brick
  • Provides power and bandwidth based on linear growth scale

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